Direct-BT  2.3.1
Direct-BT - Direct Bluetooth Programming.

This C++ unit test of const jau::cow_ro_iterator and mutable jau::cow_rw_iterator in conjunction with jau::cow_darray demonstrates the effect of CoW const and mutable CoW operations besides testing them.

* Author: Sven Gothel <>
* Copyright (c) 2020 Gothel Software e.K.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
* the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstring>
#include <random>
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>
#include <catch2/catch_amalgamated.hpp>
#include <jau/darray.hpp>
* Test jau:cow_[ro|rw]_iterator special properties from jau::cow_darray and jau::cow_vector in detail.
* <p>
* Normal random-access iterator operations are also tested from std::vector, jau::darray, jau::cow_darray and jau::cow_vector in detail,
* which either use the std::iterator (1s two container) or jau:cow_[ro|rw]_iterator (latter two cow-container).
* </p>
using namespace jau;
typedef std::vector<uint64_t, counting_allocator<uint64_t>> std_vector_uint64_t;
template<class T>
static void print_list(T& data) {
printf("list: %d { ", (int)data.size());
jau::for_each_const(data, [](const uint64_t & e) {
printf("%s, ", to_decstring(e, ',', 2).c_str());
} );
template<class T>
static void print_list(const std::string& pre, T& data) {
printf("%s: %d { ", pre.c_str(), (int)data.size());
jau::for_each_const(data, [](const uint64_t & e) {
printf("%s, ", to_decstring(e, ',', 2).c_str());
} );
template<class T>
static void fill_list(T& data, const std::size_t size) {
std::size_t i=0;
for(; i<size; i++) {
data.emplace_back( static_cast<uint64_t>(i+1) );
REQUIRE(i == data.size());
template< class Iter >
static void print_iterator_info(const std::string& typedefname,
typename std::enable_if<
>::type* = 0
) {
jau::type_cue<typename Iter::iterator_category>::print(typedefname+"::iterator_category");
template<class Iter>
static void print_iterator_info(const std::string& typedefname,
typename std::enable_if<
>::type* = 0
) {
template<class T>
static bool test_00_inspect_iterator_types(const std::string& type_id) {
typedef typename T::size_type size_type;
typedef typename T::iterator iter_type;
typedef typename T::difference_type diff_type;
typedef typename T::const_iterator citer_type;
printf("**** Type Info: %s\n", type_id.c_str());
return true;
template<class T, typename iterator_type1, typename iterator_type2>
static void test_iterator_equal(iterator_type1& citer1, iterator_type2& citer2)
// Adding redundant switched operands comparison
// to test all relational combination of the overloading. (Leave it as is)
REQUIRE( citer1 == citer2 ); // iter op==(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( citer2 == citer1 ); // iter op==(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( !( citer1 != citer2 ) ); // iter op!=(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( !( citer2 != citer1 ) ); // iter op!=(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( *citer1 == *citer2 ); // iter op*() and value_type ==
REQUIRE( *citer2 == *citer1 ); // iter op*() and value_type ==
REQUIRE( !( *citer1 != *citer2 ) ); // iter op*() and value_type !=
REQUIRE( !( *citer2 != *citer1 ) ); // iter op*() and value_type !=
template<class T, typename iterator_type1, typename iterator_type2>
static void test_iterator_notequal(iterator_type1& citer1, iterator_type2& citer2)
// Adding redundant switched operands comparison
// to test all relational combination of the overloading. (Leave it as is)
REQUIRE( citer1 != citer2 ); // iter op==(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( citer2 != citer1 ); // iter op==(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( !( citer1 == citer2 ) ); // iter op!=(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( !( citer2 == citer1 ) ); // iter op!=(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( *citer1 != *citer2 ); // iter op*() and value_type ==
REQUIRE( *citer2 != *citer1 ); // iter op*() and value_type ==
REQUIRE( !( *citer1 == *citer2 ) ); // iter op*() and value_type !=
REQUIRE( !( *citer2 == *citer1 ) ); // iter op*() and value_type !=
// iterator_type1 .. can be all the same, but leave it to the caller which is which
template<class T, typename iterator_type1, typename iterator_type2, typename iterator_type3, typename iterator_type4>
static void test_iterator_compare(const typename T::size_type size,
iterator_type1& begin,
iterator_type2& end,
iterator_type3& citer1, iterator_type4& citer2,
const typename T::difference_type citer1_idx,
const typename T::difference_type citer2_idx)
typedef typename T::difference_type diff_type;
diff_type d_size = static_cast<diff_type>(size);
diff_type distance = citer2_idx - citer1_idx;
// iter op-(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( ( end - begin ) == d_size);
REQUIRE( ( citer2 - begin ) == citer2_idx);
REQUIRE( ( citer1 - begin ) == citer1_idx);
REQUIRE( ( end - citer1 ) == d_size - citer1_idx);
REQUIRE( ( end - citer2 ) == d_size - citer2_idx);
REQUIRE( ( citer2 - citer1 ) == distance);
// iter op-(iter, difference_type) and iter op==(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( ( citer1 - citer1_idx ) == begin);
REQUIRE( ( citer2 - citer2_idx ) == begin);
REQUIRE( ( citer2 - distance ) == citer1);
// iter op+(iter, difference_type) and iter op==(iter1, iter2)
diff_type d_citer1_end = end - citer1;
diff_type d_citer2_end = end - citer2;
REQUIRE( ( citer1_idx + d_citer1_end ) == d_size); // validate op-(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( ( citer2_idx + d_citer2_end ) == d_size); // validate op-(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( ( citer1 + d_citer1_end ) == end);
REQUIRE( ( citer2 + d_citer2_end ) == end);
// Adding redundant switched operands comparison
// to test all relational combination of the overloading. (Leave it as is)
if( 0 == distance ) {
test_iterator_equal<T>(citer1, citer2);
REQUIRE( !( citer2 > citer1 ) ); // iter op>(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( citer2 >= citer1 ); // iter op>=(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( !( citer2 < citer1 ) ); // iter op<(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( citer2 <= citer1 ); // iter op<=(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( citer1 <= citer2 ); // iter op>=(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( citer1 >= citer2 ); // iter op>=(iter1, iter2)
} else if( distance > 0 ) { // citer2 > citer1
test_iterator_notequal<T>(citer1, citer2);
REQUIRE( citer2 > citer1 ); // iter op>(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( citer2 >= citer1 ); // iter op>=(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( !( citer2 < citer1 ) ); // iter op<(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( !( citer2 <= citer1 ) ); // iter op<=(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( citer1 <= citer2 ); // iter op>(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( citer1 < citer2 ); // iter op>=(iter1, iter2)
} else { // distance < 0: citer2 < citer1
test_iterator_notequal<T>(citer1, citer2);
REQUIRE( !( citer2 > citer1 ) ); // iter op>(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( !( citer2 >= citer1 ) ); // iter op>=(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( citer2 < citer1 ); // iter op<(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( citer2 <= citer1 ); // iter op<=(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( citer1 > citer2 ); // iter op<(iter1, iter2)
REQUIRE( citer1 >= citer2 ); // iter op<=(iter1, iter2)
template<class T, typename iterator_type1, typename iterator_type2>
static void test_iterator_dereference(const typename T::size_type size,
iterator_type1& begin, iterator_type2& end)
printf("**** test_iterator_dereference:\n");
T data_exp = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
T data_has( begin, end );
REQUIRE(data_has == data_exp);
// dereferencing, pointer, equality
iterator_type1 citer1 = begin;
iterator_type2 citer2 = begin;
REQUIRE( citer1 == begin ); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( citer2 == begin ); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( citer1 == citer1 ); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( citer2 == citer1 ); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( *citer1 == *begin ); // iter op*(), and value_type ==
REQUIRE( *citer2 == *begin ); // iter op*(), and value_type ==
REQUIRE( *citer1 == *citer1 ); // iter op*(), and value_type ==
REQUIRE( *citer2 == *citer1 ); // iter op*(), and value_type ==
REQUIRE( citer1[1] == *(begin+1) ); // iter op[](diff), op+(iter, diff), iter op*(), and value_type ==
REQUIRE( citer2[1] == *(begin+1) ); // iter op[](diff), op+(iter, diff), iter op*(), and value_type ==
REQUIRE( citer1[1] == *(citer2+1) ); // iter op[](diff), op+(iter, diff), iter op*(), and value_type ==
REQUIRE( citer1 != end-1 ); // iter op!=()
REQUIRE( citer2 != end-1 ); // iter op!=()
REQUIRE( *citer1 != *(end-1) ); // iter op*(), and value_type ==
REQUIRE( *citer2 != *(end-1) ); // iter op*(), and value_type ==
REQUIRE( citer1[1] != *(end-2) ); // iter op[](diff), op+(iter, diff), iter op*(), and value_type ==
REQUIRE( citer2[1] != *(end-2) ); // iter op[](diff), op+(iter, diff), iter op*(), and value_type ==
REQUIRE( citer2+size-1 == end -1 );
REQUIRE( *(citer2+size-1) == *(end -1) );
REQUIRE( citer2[size-1] == end[-1] );
REQUIRE( *(citer2+0) == begin[0] );
REQUIRE( *(citer2+1) == begin[1] );
REQUIRE( *(citer2+2) == begin[2] );
REQUIRE( *(citer2+3) == begin[3] );
REQUIRE( *(citer2+size-1) == end[-1] );
test_iterator_compare<T>(size, begin, end, citer1, citer2, 0, 0);
template<class T, typename iterator_type1, typename iterator_type2>
static void test_iterator_arithmetic(const typename T::size_type size,
iterator_type1& begin, iterator_type2& end)
printf("**** test_iterator_arithmetic:\n");
// citer_type operations
// op++(), op--(), op++(int), op--(int),
// op+=(difference_type), op+(iter a, difference_type) ..
iterator_type1 citer1 = begin;
iterator_type1 citer2 = begin;
test_iterator_compare<T>(size, begin, end, citer1, citer2, 0, 0);
// iter op++(int)
test_iterator_compare<T>(size, begin, end, citer1, citer2, 0, 1);
// iter op++(int)
test_iterator_compare<T>(size, begin, end, citer1, citer2, 1, 1);
// iter op--(int)
test_iterator_compare<T>(size, begin, end, citer1, citer2, 1, 0);
// iter op--(int)
test_iterator_compare<T>(size, begin, end, citer1, citer2, 0, 0);
REQUIRE( *citer2 == begin[0] );
// iter op++(int)
test_iterator_compare<T>(size, begin, end, citer1, citer2, 0, 1);
REQUIRE( *citer2 == *(begin+1) ); // iter op*(), op+(iter, difference_type) and value_type ==
REQUIRE( *citer2 == begin[1] ); // iter op*(), op[](difference_type) and value_type ==
// iter op++(int)
test_iterator_compare<T>(size, begin, end, citer1, citer2, 0, 2);
REQUIRE( *citer2 == *(begin+2) ); // iter op*(), op+(iter, difference_type) and value_type ==
REQUIRE( *citer2 == begin[2] ); // iter op*(), op[](difference_type) and value_type ==
// iter op++(int)
test_iterator_compare<T>(size, begin, end, citer1, citer2, 0, 3);
REQUIRE( *citer2 == *(begin+3) ); // iter op*(), op+(iter, difference_type) and value_type ==
REQUIRE( *citer2 == begin[3] ); // iter op*(), op[](difference_type) and value_type ==
// iter op++()
test_iterator_compare<T>(size, begin, end, citer1, citer2, 0, 0);
REQUIRE( *citer2 == *(begin+0) ); // iter op*(), op+(iter, difference_type) and value_type ==
REQUIRE( *citer2 == begin[0] ); // iter op*(), op[](difference_type) and value_type ==
// iter +=(diff)
citer2 += 3;
test_iterator_compare<T>(size, begin, end, citer1, citer2, 0, 3);
// iter +=(diff)
citer2 += 6;
test_iterator_compare<T>(size, begin, end, citer1, citer2, 0, 9);
// iter -=(diff)
citer2 -= 9;
test_iterator_compare<T>(size, begin, end, citer1, citer2, 0, 0);
// Adding redundant switched operands comparison
// to test all relational combination of the overloading. (Leave it as is)
iterator_type1 citer1 = begin;
iterator_type1 citer2 = begin;
REQUIRE( citer1 == citer1 ); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( citer2 == citer1 ); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( citer2 != citer1 ); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( citer1 != citer2 ); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( citer2 > citer1 ); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( citer2 >= citer1 ); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( citer1 < citer2 ); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( citer1 <= citer2 ); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( citer2 - citer1 ) == 1); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( citer1 - citer2 ) == -1); // iter op==()
template<class T>
static bool test_citer_type_ops(const std::string& type_id,
std::enable_if_t< is_cow_type<T>::value, bool> = true )
typedef typename T::const_iterator citer_type;
typedef typename T::difference_type diff_type;
T data;
fill_list(data, 10);
printf("**** test_citer_type_ops(CoW): %s\n", type_id.c_str());
citer_type begin = data.cbegin(); // immutable new_store non-const iterator, gets held until destruction
citer_type end = begin.cend(); // no new store iterator, on same store as begin, obtained from begin
diff_type data_size = static_cast<diff_type>(data.size());
diff_type begin_size = static_cast<diff_type>(begin.size());
diff_type end_size = static_cast<diff_type>(end.size());
REQUIRE( begin_size == data_size );
REQUIRE( end_size == data_size );
REQUIRE( end - begin == data_size );
REQUIRE( end - end_size == begin );
REQUIRE( begin + begin_size == end );
REQUIRE( *( end - end_size ) == *begin );
REQUIRE( *( begin + begin_size ) == *end );
test_iterator_dereference<T, citer_type>(begin.size(), begin, end);
citer_type begin = data.cbegin(); // no new store citer_type
citer_type end = begin.cend(); // no new store citer_type, on same store as begin, obtained from begin
test_iterator_arithmetic<T, citer_type>(data.size(), begin, end);
T data2 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
print_list("work", data);
print_list("expt", data2);
REQUIRE(data == data2);
return true;
template<class T>
static bool test_citer_type_ops(const std::string& type_id,
std::enable_if_t< !is_cow_type<T>::value, bool> = true )
typedef typename T::const_iterator citer_type;
typedef typename T::difference_type diff_type;
T data;
fill_list(data, 10);
printf("**** test_citer_type_ops: %s\n", type_id.c_str());
citer_type begin = data.cbegin(); // mutable new_store non-const iterator, gets held until destruction
citer_type end = data.cend(); // no new store iterator, on same store as begin and from begin
diff_type data_size = static_cast<diff_type>(data.size());
REQUIRE( end - begin == data_size );
REQUIRE( end - data_size == begin );
REQUIRE( begin + data_size == end );
REQUIRE( *( end - data_size ) == *begin );
REQUIRE( *( begin + data_size - 1 ) == *( end - 1 ) );
REQUIRE( end[-data_size] == begin[0] );
REQUIRE( begin[data_size - 1] == end[-1] );
test_iterator_dereference<T, citer_type>(data.size(), begin, end);
citer_type begin = data.cbegin(); // no new store citer_type
citer_type end = data.cend(); // no new store citer_type, on same store as begin
test_iterator_arithmetic<T, citer_type, citer_type>(data.size(), begin, end);
T data2 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
REQUIRE(data == data2);
return true;
template<class T>
static bool test_mutable_iterator_ops(const std::string& type_id,
std::enable_if_t< is_cow_type<T>::value, bool> = true )
typedef typename T::size_type size_type;
typedef typename T::const_iterator citer_type;
typedef typename T::iterator iter_type;
typedef typename T::difference_type diff_type;
typedef typename T::value_type value_type;
typedef typename T::storage_t storage_t;
printf("**** test_mutable_iterator_ops(CoW): %s\n", type_id.c_str());
T data;
fill_list(data, 10);
iter_type begin = data.begin(); // mutable new_store non-const iterator, gets held until destruction
iter_type end = begin.end(); // no new store iterator, on same store as begin and from begin
diff_type data_size = static_cast<diff_type>(data.size());
diff_type begin_size = static_cast<diff_type>(begin.size());
diff_type end_size = static_cast<diff_type>(end.size());
REQUIRE( begin_size == data_size );
REQUIRE( end_size == data_size );
REQUIRE( end - begin == data_size );
REQUIRE( end - end_size == begin );
REQUIRE( begin + begin_size == end );
REQUIRE( *( end - end_size ) == *begin );
REQUIRE( *( begin + begin_size - 1 ) == *( end - 1 ) );
REQUIRE( end[-end_size] == begin[0] );
REQUIRE( begin[begin_size - 1] == end[-1] );
test_iterator_dereference<T, iter_type>(begin.size(), begin, end);
T data;
fill_list(data, 10);
// all 4 combinations of iter, citer:
iter_type begin = data.begin(); // mutable new_store non-const iterator, gets held until destruction
iter_type end = begin.end();
citer_type cbegin = begin.immutable();
citer_type cend = cbegin.cend();
test_iterator_arithmetic<T>(data.size(), begin, end);
test_iterator_arithmetic<T>(data.size(), cbegin, cend);
test_iterator_arithmetic<T>(data.size(), begin, cend);
test_iterator_arithmetic<T>(data.size(), cbegin, end);
// iterator-op: darray/vector-op
// -------------------------------------------
// 1 pop_back()
// 1 erase (): erase (citer_type pos)
// 3 erase (count): erase (iterator first, citer_type last)
// 1 insert(const value_type& x): iterator insert(citer_type pos, const value_type& x)
// 0 insert(value_type&& x): iterator insert(citer_type pos, value_type&& x)
// 1 emplace(Args&&... args): emplace(citer_type pos, Args&&... args)
// 2 insert(InputIt first, InputIt last ): insert( citer_type pos, InputIt first, InputIt last )
// 1 void push_back(value_type& x)
// 1 void push_back(value_type&& x)
// 1 reference emplace_back(Args&&... args)
// 0 [void push_back( InputIt first, InputIt last )]
// 1 to_begin()
T data;
fill_list(data, 10);
citer_type citer0 = data.cbegin(); // immutable orig store iterator
T data_exp = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
REQUIRE(data == data_exp);
REQUIRE( *data.snapshot() == );
iter_type iter = data.begin(); // mutable new_store non-const iterator, gets held until destruction
size_type size_pre = iter.size();
value_type elem = iter.end()[-2];
REQUIRE( iter != citer0 );
REQUIRE( == );
REQUIRE( == *data.snapshot() );
REQUIRE( iter.dist_begin() == 0 );
REQUIRE( iter.dist_end() == static_cast<diff_type>(size_pre));
int i;
// pop_back()
REQUIRE( iter.size() == size_pre-1 );
REQUIRE( iter == iter.end() );
REQUIRE( iter == iter.begin()+size_pre-1 );
REQUIRE( iter.dist_begin() == static_cast<diff_type>(size_pre)-1 );
REQUIRE( iter.dist_end() == 0 );
REQUIRE( iter[-1] == elem );
storage_t data_exp = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
REQUIRE( == data_exp);
REQUIRE( != *data.snapshot());
// insert( citer_type pos, InputIt first, InputIt last )
REQUIRE( iter == iter.end() );
size_pre = iter.size();
REQUIRE( iter.dist_begin() == static_cast<diff_type>(size_pre));
REQUIRE( iter.dist_end() == 0);
T data2;
fill_list(data2, 10);
// iter.push_back(data2.cbegin(), data2.cend()); // FIXME: Only in jau::darray not stl::vector
iter.insert(data2.cbegin(), data2.cbegin()+data2.size()); // same as push_pack(..) since pointing to end() - but iter points here to first new elem
REQUIRE( iter.size() == size_pre+10 );
REQUIRE( iter == iter.end()-10 );
REQUIRE( iter.dist_begin() == static_cast<diff_type>(size_pre));
REQUIRE( iter.dist_end() == 10);
storage_t data_exp = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
REQUIRE( == data_exp);
// erase (count): erase (iterator first, citer_type last)
REQUIRE( iter == iter.end()-10 );
size_pre = iter.size();
// std::cout << "iter.5" << iter << (iter - iter.begin()) << "/" << iter.size() << ", size2 " << size2 << std::endl;
// std::cout << "iter.6" << iter << (iter - iter.begin()) << "/" << iter.size() << std::endl;
REQUIRE( iter.size() == size_pre-10 );
REQUIRE( iter == iter.end() );
storage_t data_exp = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
REQUIRE( == data_exp);
// erase ()
size_pre = iter.size();
REQUIRE( iter == iter.begin() );
elem = iter.begin()[1];
REQUIRE( iter.size() == size_pre-1 );
REQUIRE( iter == iter.begin() );
REQUIRE( *iter == elem );
storage_t data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
REQUIRE( == data_exp);
// void push_back(value_type& x)
size_pre = iter.size();
REQUIRE( iter == iter.begin() );
elem = iter.end()[-1];
T data2;
fill_list(data2, 10);
citer_type data2_iter = data2.cbegin();
REQUIRE( iter.size() == size_pre+3 );
REQUIRE( iter == iter.end() );
REQUIRE( iter[-3] == data2_iter[0] );
REQUIRE( iter[-2] == data2_iter[1] );
REQUIRE( iter[-1] == data2_iter[2] );
storage_t data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3 };
REQUIRE( == data_exp);
// erase (count): erase (iterator first, citer_type last)
size_pre = iter.size();
REQUIRE( iter == iter.end() );
iter -= 3;
REQUIRE( iter.size() == size_pre-3 );
REQUIRE( iter == iter.end() );
storage_t data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
REQUIRE( == data_exp);
// void push_back(value_type&& x)
size_pre = iter.size();
REQUIRE( iter == iter.end() );
value_type elem0 = iter.begin()[0];
iter.push_back( std::move(elem0));
value_type elem0 = iter.begin()[1];
iter.push_back( std::move(elem0));
value_type elem0 = iter.begin()[2];
iter.push_back( std::move(elem0));
REQUIRE( iter.size() == size_pre+3 );
REQUIRE( iter == iter.end() );
REQUIRE( iter[-3] == iter.begin()[0] );
REQUIRE( iter[-2] == iter.begin()[1] );
REQUIRE( iter[-1] == iter.begin()[2] );
storage_t data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 2, 3, 4 };
REQUIRE( == data_exp);
// erase last three
REQUIRE( iter == iter.end() );
iter -= 3;
REQUIRE( iter == iter.end() );
storage_t data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
REQUIRE( == data_exp);
// iterator insert(citer_type pos, const value_type& x)
iter += 5;
REQUIRE( iter == iter.begin()+5 );
REQUIRE( iter.dist_begin() == 5 );
size_pre = iter.size();
T data2;
fill_list(data2, 10);
citer_type data2_iter = data2.cbegin();
REQUIRE( iter.size() == size_pre+3 );
REQUIRE( iter == iter.begin()+5 );
REQUIRE( iter[5] == data2_iter[2] );
REQUIRE( iter[6] == data2_iter[1] );
REQUIRE( iter[7] == data2_iter[0] );
storage_t data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 7, 8, 9 };
REQUIRE( == data_exp);
// insert( citer_type pos, InputIt first, InputIt last )
iter += 5;
REQUIRE( iter == iter.begin()+5 );
size_pre = iter.size();
T data2;
fill_list(data2, 10);
iter.insert(data2.cbegin(), data2.cbegin()+3);
REQUIRE( iter.size() == size_pre+3 );
REQUIRE( iter == iter.begin()+5 );
storage_t data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 7, 8, 9 };
REQUIRE( == data_exp);
// erase (count): erase (iterator first, citer_type last)
REQUIRE( iter == iter.begin()+5 );
size_pre = iter.size();
REQUIRE( iter.size() == size_pre-6 );
REQUIRE( iter == iter.begin()+5 );
storage_t data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
REQUIRE( == data_exp);
// 1 emplace(Args&&... args): emplace(citer_type pos, Args&&... args)
size_pre = iter.size();
REQUIRE( iter == iter.begin()+5 );
iter.emplace( static_cast<uint64_t>(2) );
iter.emplace( static_cast<uint64_t>(3) );
iter.emplace( static_cast<uint64_t>(4) );
REQUIRE( iter == iter.begin()+5 );
REQUIRE( iter[0] == 4 );
REQUIRE( iter[1] == 3 );
REQUIRE( iter[2] == 2 );
storage_t data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 7, 8, 9 };
REQUIRE( == data_exp);
// 1 reference emplace_back(Args&&... args)
size_pre = iter.size();
REQUIRE( iter == iter.begin()+5 );
iter.emplace_back( static_cast<uint64_t>(2) );
iter.emplace_back( static_cast<uint64_t>(3) );
iter.emplace_back( static_cast<uint64_t>(4) );
REQUIRE( iter == iter.end() );
REQUIRE( iter[-1] == 4 );
REQUIRE( iter[-2] == 3 );
REQUIRE( iter[-3] == 2 );
storage_t data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 7, 8, 9, 2, 3, 4 };
REQUIRE( == data_exp);
// multiple erase()
size_pre = iter.size();
REQUIRE( iter == iter.end() );
iter -= 10;
REQUIRE( iter == iter.end()-10 );
int count = 0;
while( iter != iter.end() ) {
REQUIRE( iter.size() == size_pre - 10 );
storage_t data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5 };
REQUIRE( == data_exp);
iter.to_begin(); // set to its begin
// write back ..
REQUIRE( iter != data.cbegin() ); // still not the same
REQUIRE( != *data.snapshot() ); // neither content
T data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5 };
REQUIRE(data != data_exp);
iter.write_back(); // invalidates iter and ...
T data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5 };
REQUIRE(data == data_exp); // now got the newt content
return true;
template<class T>
static bool test_mutable_iterator_ops(const std::string& type_id,
std::enable_if_t< !is_cow_type<T>::value, bool> = true )
typedef typename T::iterator iter_type;
typedef typename T::const_iterator citer_type;
typedef typename T::difference_type diff_type;
printf("**** test_mutable_iterator_ops(___): %s\n", type_id.c_str());
T data;
fill_list(data, 10);
iter_type begin = data.begin();
iter_type end = data.end();
diff_type data_size = static_cast<diff_type>(data.size());
REQUIRE( end - begin == data_size );
REQUIRE( end - data_size == begin );
REQUIRE( begin + data_size == end );
REQUIRE( *( end - data_size ) == *begin );
REQUIRE( *( begin + data_size ) == *end );
test_iterator_dereference<T, iter_type>(data.size(), begin, end);
T data;
fill_list(data, 10);
// all 4 combinations of iter, citer:
iter_type begin = data.begin();
iter_type end = data.end();
citer_type cend = data.cend();
citer_type cbegin = data.cbegin();
test_iterator_arithmetic<T>(data.size(), begin, end);
test_iterator_arithmetic<T>(data.size(), cbegin, cend);
test_iterator_arithmetic<T>(data.size(), begin, cend);
test_iterator_arithmetic<T>(data.size(), cbegin, end);
// iterator-op: darray/vector-op
// -------------------------------------------
// 1 pop_back()
// 1 erase (citer_type pos)
// 3 erase (iterator first, citer_type last)
// 1 iterator insert(citer_type pos, const value_type& x)
// 0 iterator insert(citer_type pos, value_type&& x)
// 1 emplace(citer_type pos, Args&&... args)
// 2 insert( citer_type pos, InputIt first, InputIt last )
// 1 void push_back(value_type& x)
// 1 void push_back(value_type&& x)
// 1 reference emplace_back(Args&&... args)
// 0 [void push_back( InputIt first, InputIt last )]
T data;
fill_list(data, 10);
T data_exp = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
REQUIRE(data == data_exp);
iter_type iter = data.end();
typename T::size_type size_pre = data.size();
typename T::value_type elem = iter[-2];
// pop_back()
int i;
REQUIRE( data.size() == size_pre-1 );
REQUIRE( iter == data.end() );
REQUIRE( iter == data.begin()+size_pre-1 );
REQUIRE( iter[-1] == elem );
T data_exp = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
REQUIRE(data == data_exp);
// insert( citer_type pos, InputIt first, InputIt last )
REQUIRE( iter == data.end() );
size_pre = data.size();
T data2;
fill_list(data2, 10);
iter = data.insert(iter, data2.cbegin(), data2.cbegin()+data2.size()); // same as push_pack(..) since pointing to end() - but data points here to first new elem
REQUIRE( data.size() == size_pre+10 );
REQUIRE( iter == data.end()-10 );
T data_exp = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
REQUIRE(data == data_exp);
// erase (count): erase (iterator first, citer_type last)
REQUIRE( iter == data.end()-10 );
size_pre = data.size();
// std::cout << "data.5" << data << (data - data.begin()) << "/" << data.size() << ", size2 " << size2 << std::endl;
iter = data.erase(iter, iter+10);
// std::cout << "data.6" << data << (data - data.begin()) << "/" << data.size() << std::endl;
REQUIRE( data.size() == size_pre-10 );
REQUIRE( iter == data.end() );
T data_exp = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
REQUIRE(data == data_exp);
// erase ()
size_pre = data.size();
iter = data.begin();
REQUIRE( iter == data.begin() );
elem = iter[1];
iter = data.erase(iter);
REQUIRE( data.size() == size_pre-1 );
REQUIRE( iter == data.begin() );
REQUIRE( *iter == elem );
T data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
REQUIRE(data == data_exp);
// void push_back(value_type& x)
size_pre = data.size();
REQUIRE( iter == data.begin() );
elem = data.end()[-1];
T data2;
fill_list(data2, 10);
iter = data.end();
REQUIRE( data.size() == size_pre+3 );
REQUIRE( iter == data.end() );
REQUIRE( iter[-3] == data2[0] );
REQUIRE( iter[-2] == data2[1] );
REQUIRE( iter[-1] == data2[2] );
T data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3 };
REQUIRE(data == data_exp);
// erase (count): erase (iterator first, citer_type last)
size_pre = data.size();
REQUIRE( iter == data.end() );
iter -= 3;
iter = data.erase(iter, iter+3);
REQUIRE( data.size() == size_pre-3 );
REQUIRE( iter == data.end() );
T data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
REQUIRE(data == data_exp);
// void push_back(value_type&& x)
size_pre = data.size();
REQUIRE( iter == data.end() );
typename T::value_type elem0 = data.begin()[0];
data.push_back( std::move(elem0));
typename T::value_type elem0 = data.begin()[1];
data.push_back( std::move(elem0));
typename T::value_type elem0 = data.begin()[2];
data.push_back( std::move(elem0));
iter = data.end();
REQUIRE( data.size() == size_pre+3 );
REQUIRE( iter == data.end() );
REQUIRE( iter[-3] == data.begin()[0] );
REQUIRE( iter[-2] == data.begin()[1] );
REQUIRE( iter[-1] == data.begin()[2] );
T data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 2, 3, 4 };
REQUIRE(data == data_exp);
// erase last three
REQUIRE( iter == data.end() );
iter -= 3;
iter = data.erase(iter);
iter = data.erase(iter);
iter = data.erase(iter);
REQUIRE( iter == data.end() );
T data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
REQUIRE(data == data_exp);
// iterator insert(citer_type pos, const value_type& x)
iter = data.begin();
iter += 5;
REQUIRE( iter == data.begin()+5 );
size_pre = data.size();
T data2;
fill_list(data2, 10);
iter = data.insert(iter, data2[0]);
iter = data.insert(iter, data2[1]);
iter = data.insert(iter, data2[2]);
REQUIRE( data.size() == size_pre+3 );
REQUIRE( iter == data.begin()+5 );
iter = data.begin();
REQUIRE( iter[5] == data2[2] );
REQUIRE( iter[6] == data2[1] );
REQUIRE( iter[7] == data2[0] );
T data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 7, 8, 9 };
REQUIRE(data == data_exp);
// insert( citer_type pos, InputIt first, InputIt last )
iter += 5;
REQUIRE( iter == data.begin()+5 );
size_pre = data.size();
T data2;
fill_list(data2, 10);
iter = data.insert(iter, data2.cbegin(), data2.cbegin()+3);
REQUIRE( data.size() == size_pre+3 );
REQUIRE( iter == data.begin()+5 );
T data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 7, 8, 9 };
REQUIRE(data == data_exp);
// erase (count): erase (iterator first, citer_type last)
REQUIRE( iter == data.begin()+5 );
size_pre = data.size();
iter = data.erase(iter, iter+6);
REQUIRE( data.size() == size_pre-6 );
REQUIRE( iter == data.begin()+5 );
T data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
REQUIRE(data == data_exp);
// 1 emplace(Args&&... args): emplace(citer_type pos, Args&&... args)
size_pre = data.size();
REQUIRE( iter == data.begin()+5 );
iter = data.emplace(iter, static_cast<uint64_t>(2) );
iter = data.emplace(iter, static_cast<uint64_t>(3) );
iter = data.emplace(iter, static_cast<uint64_t>(4) );
REQUIRE( iter == data.begin()+5 );
REQUIRE( iter[0] == 4 );
REQUIRE( iter[1] == 3 );
REQUIRE( iter[2] == 2 );
T data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 7, 8, 9 };
REQUIRE(data == data_exp);
// 1 reference emplace_back(Args&&... args)
size_pre = data.size();
REQUIRE( iter == data.begin()+5 );
data.emplace_back( static_cast<uint64_t>(2) );
data.emplace_back( static_cast<uint64_t>(3) );
data.emplace_back( static_cast<uint64_t>(4) );
iter = data.end();
REQUIRE( iter == data.end() );
REQUIRE( iter[-1] == 4 );
REQUIRE( iter[-2] == 3 );
REQUIRE( iter[-3] == 2 );
T data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 7, 8, 9, 2, 3, 4 };
REQUIRE(data == data_exp);
// multiple erase()
size_pre = data.size();
REQUIRE( iter == data.end() );
iter -= 10;
REQUIRE( iter == data.end()-10 );
int count = 0;
while( iter != data.end() ) {
iter = data.erase(iter);
REQUIRE( data.size() == size_pre - 10 );
REQUIRE( iter == data.end() );
T data_exp = { 2, 3, 4, 5 };
REQUIRE(data == data_exp);
T data;
fill_list(data, 10);
T data2 = data;
T data3(data);
print_list("orig", data2);
print_list("copy1", data2);
print_list("copy2", data3);
REQUIRE(data == data2);
REQUIRE(data == data3);
return true;
template<class T>
static bool test_01_validate_iterator_ops(const std::string& type_id) {
return true;
template<class T>
static bool test_01_cow_iterator_properties(const std::string& type_id) {
typedef typename T::size_type size_type;
typedef typename T::const_iterator citer_type;
typedef typename T::iterator iter_type;
printf("**** test_cow_iterator_properties: %s\n", type_id.c_str());
const size_type size0 = 100;
T data;
REQUIRE(0 == data.get_allocator().memory_usage);
REQUIRE(data.size() == 0);
REQUIRE(data.capacity() == 0);
REQUIRE(data.empty() == true);
fill_list(data, size0);
REQUIRE(0 != data.get_allocator().memory_usage);
REQUIRE(data.size() == size0);
REQUIRE(data.size() <= data.capacity());
// test relationship and distance with mixed iterator and citer_type
// in both direction using the free overloaded operator of cow_ro_* and cow_rw_*
iter_type iter1 = data.begin();
citer_type citer2 = iter1.immutable();
citer_type citer3 = iter1.immutable().to_end();
REQUIRE( iter1.is_begin() );
REQUIRE( citer2.is_begin() );
REQUIRE( citer3.is_end() );
REQUIRE( iter1.dist_begin() == 0);
REQUIRE( iter1.dist_end() == size0);
REQUIRE( citer2.dist_begin() == 0);
REQUIRE( citer2.dist_end() == size0);
REQUIRE( citer3.dist_begin() == size0);
REQUIRE( citer3.dist_end() == 0);
REQUIRE( ( iter1 == citer2 ) == true); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( citer2 == iter1 ) == true); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( citer2 != iter1 ) == true); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( iter1 != citer2 ) == true); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( citer2 > iter1 ) == true); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( citer2 >= iter1 ) == true); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( iter1 < citer2 ) == true); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( iter1 <= citer2 ) == true); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( citer2 - iter1 ) == 1); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( iter1 - citer2 ) == -1); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( citer2.dist_begin() == 1);
REQUIRE( citer2.dist_end() == size0-1);
REQUIRE( ( iter1 != citer2 ) == true); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( citer2 != iter1 ) == true); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( iter1 > citer2 ) == true); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( iter1 >= citer2 ) == true); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( citer2 < iter1 ) == true); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( citer2 <= iter1 ) == true); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( iter1 - citer2 ) == 1); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( citer2 - iter1 ) == -1); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( iter1.dist_begin() == 1);
REQUIRE( iter1.dist_end() == size0-1);
REQUIRE( citer2.dist_begin() == 0);
REQUIRE( citer2.dist_end() == size0);
REQUIRE( ( iter1.end() == citer3 ) == true); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( ( iter1.to_end() == citer3 ) == true); // iter op==()
REQUIRE( iter1.is_end() );
REQUIRE( citer3.is_end() );
REQUIRE( iter1.dist_begin() == size0);
REQUIRE( iter1.dist_end() == 0);
// test mutable non-const 'new store' behavior
citer_type c_begin0 = data.cbegin(); // orig store
// iterator_type is mutable iterator.
// The cow_rw_iterator is being fetched via data.begin(), which creates a new store and stays.
// The cow_rw_iterator's new store is moved into the cow container via write_back() later.
printf("testing mutable non-const behavior.\n");
citer_type c_begin1;
iter_type m_begin1 = data.begin(); // mutable new_store non-const iterator, gets held until write_back() or destruction
c_begin1 = m_begin1.immutable(); // get immutable citer_type from newly created store
REQUIRE(*c_begin1 == *m_begin1);
REQUIRE( c_begin1 == m_begin1);
REQUIRE( ( c_begin1 - m_begin1 ) == 0);
printf(" 1st store: %s == %s, dist %u\n",
to_decstring(*c_begin1, ',', 2).c_str(), to_decstring(*m_begin1, ',', 2).c_str(), (unsigned int)(c_begin1 - m_begin1));
citer_type c_begin2;
iter_type m_begin2 = data.begin(); // mutable new_store non-const iterator, gets held until write_back() or destruction
c_begin2 = m_begin2.immutable(); // get immutable citer_type from newly created store
REQUIRE(*c_begin2 == *m_begin2);
REQUIRE( c_begin2 == m_begin2);
REQUIRE( ( c_begin2 - m_begin2 ) == 0);
printf(" 2nd store: %s == %s, dist %u\n",
to_decstring(*c_begin2, ',', 2).c_str(), to_decstring(*m_begin2, ',', 2).c_str(), (unsigned int)(c_begin2 - m_begin2));
REQUIRE(*c_begin2 == *c_begin1);
REQUIRE( c_begin2 != c_begin1);
REQUIRE( ( c_begin2 - c_begin1 ) != 0);
printf("2nd -> 1st store: %s == %s, dist %u\n",
to_decstring(*c_begin2, ',', 2).c_str(), to_decstring(*c_begin1, ',', 2).c_str(), (unsigned int)(c_begin2 - c_begin1));
m_begin2.write_back(); // write back storage of m_begin2 to parent CoW and invalidate m_begin2
// 2nd store -> cow_xxx
citer_type c_begin2b = data.cbegin();
REQUIRE(*c_begin2 == *c_begin2b);
REQUIRE( c_begin2 == c_begin2b);
REQUIRE( ( c_begin2 - c_begin2b ) == 0);
printf("2nd -> cow == cbegin: %s == %s, dist %u\n",
to_decstring(*c_begin2, ',', 2).c_str(), to_decstring(*c_begin2b, ',', 2).c_str(), (unsigned int)(c_begin2 - c_begin2b));
printf("2nd -> 1st : %s == %s, dist %u\n",
to_decstring(*c_begin1, ',', 2).c_str(), to_decstring(*c_begin2, ',', 2).c_str(), (unsigned int)(c_begin1 - c_begin2));
m_begin1.write_back(); // write back storage of m_begin1 to parent CoW and invalidate m_begin2
// 1st store -> cow_xxx
citer_type c_begin1b = data.cbegin();
printf("1st -> cow == cbegin: %s == %s, dist %u\n",
to_decstring(*c_begin1, ',', 2).c_str(), to_decstring(*c_begin1b, ',', 2).c_str(), (unsigned int)(c_begin1 - c_begin1b));
REQUIRE(*c_begin1 == *c_begin1b);
REQUIRE( c_begin1 == c_begin1b);
REQUIRE( ( c_begin1 - c_begin1b ) == 0);
return true;
TEST_CASE( "Iterator Test 00 - Inspect all Iterator Types", "[datatype][std][vector][darray][cow_vector][cow_darray]" ) {
test_00_inspect_iterator_types< std_vector_uint64_t >("std::vector<T>");
test_00_inspect_iterator_types< jau_darray_uint64_t >("jau::darray<T>");
test_00_inspect_iterator_types< jau_cow_vector_uint64_t >("jau::cow_vector<T>");
test_00_inspect_iterator_types< jau_cow_darray_uint64_t >("jau::cow_darray<T>");
TEST_CASE( "STD Vector Test 01 - Validate Iterator and Index Operations", "[datatype][std][vector]" ) {
test_01_validate_iterator_ops< std_vector_uint64_t >("std::vector<T>");
TEST_CASE( "JAU DArray Test 02 - Validate Iterator and Index Operations", "[datatype][jau][darray]" ) {
test_01_validate_iterator_ops< jau_darray_uint64_t >("jau::darray<T>");
TEST_CASE( "JAU COW_Vector Test 11 - Validate Iterator Operations", "[datatype][jau][cow_vector]" ) {
test_01_validate_iterator_ops< jau_cow_vector_uint64_t >("jau::cow_vector<T>");
TEST_CASE( "JAU COW_DArray Test 21 - Validate Iterator Operations", "[datatype][jau][cow_darray]" ) {
test_01_validate_iterator_ops< jau_cow_darray_uint64_t >("jau::cow_darray<T>");
std::string to_decstring(const value_type &v, const char separator=',', const nsize_t width=0) noexcept
Produce a decimal string representation of an integral integer value.
Definition: string_util.hpp:143
static void print(const std::string &typedefname, const TypeTraitGroup verbosity=TypeTraitGroup::NONE)
Print information of this type to stdout, potentially with all Type traits known.
Definition: type_traits_queries.hpp:135
static void test_iterator_compare(const typename T::size_type size, iterator_type1 &begin, iterator_type2 &end, iterator_type3 &citer1, iterator_type4 &citer2, const typename T::difference_type citer1_idx, const typename T::difference_type citer2_idx)
Definition: test_cow_iterator_01.cpp:176
static void print_iterator_info(const std::string &typedefname, typename std::enable_if< std::is_class< Iter >::value >::type *=0)
Definition: test_cow_iterator_01.cpp:97
static bool test_00_inspect_iterator_types(const std::string &type_id)
Definition: test_cow_iterator_01.cpp:120
static void test_iterator_notequal(iterator_type1 &citer1, iterator_type2 &citer2)
Definition: test_cow_iterator_01.cpp:159
Definition: basic_algos.hpp:34
template< class T > is_cow_type<T>::value compile-time Type Trait, determining whether the given temp...
Definition: cow_iterator.hpp:1039
Implementation of a dynamic linear array storage, aka vector.
Definition: darray.hpp:102
jau::cow_darray< uint64_t, counting_callocator< uint64_t > > jau_cow_darray_uint64_t
Definition: test_cow_iterator_01.cpp:58
static bool test_01_cow_iterator_properties(const std::string &type_id)
Definition: test_cow_iterator_01.cpp:1122
jau::cow_vector< uint64_t, counting_allocator< uint64_t > > jau_cow_vector_uint64_t
Definition: test_cow_iterator_01.cpp:57
static void test_iterator_equal(iterator_type1 &citer1, iterator_type2 &citer2)
Definition: test_cow_iterator_01.cpp:144
Definition: type_traits_queries.hpp:223
static void test_iterator_arithmetic(const typename T::size_type size, iterator_type1 &begin, iterator_type2 &end)
Definition: test_cow_iterator_01.cpp:295
Implementation of a Copy-On-Write (CoW) using jau::darray as the underlying storage,...
Definition: cow_darray.hpp:130
constexpr UnaryFunction for_each_const(T &data, UnaryFunction f, std::enable_if_t< is_cow_type< T >::value, bool >=true) noexcept
Definition: basic_algos.hpp:323
TEST_CASE("Iterator Test 00 - Inspect all Iterator Types", "[datatype][std][vector][darray][cow_vector][cow_darray]")
Definition: test_cow_iterator_01.cpp:1263
static void test_iterator_dereference(const typename T::size_type size, iterator_type1 &begin, iterator_type2 &end)
Definition: test_cow_iterator_01.cpp:243
static void print_list(T &data)
Definition: test_cow_iterator_01.cpp:66
static bool test_mutable_iterator_ops(const std::string &type_id, std::enable_if_t< is_cow_type< T >::value, bool >=true)
Definition: test_cow_iterator_01.cpp:465
std::vector< uint64_t, counting_allocator< uint64_t > > std_vector_uint64_t
Definition: test_cow_iterator_01.cpp:55
static bool test_citer_type_ops(const std::string &type_id, std::enable_if_t< is_cow_type< T >::value, bool >=true)
Definition: test_cow_iterator_01.cpp:389
jau::darray< uint64_t, counting_callocator< uint64_t > > jau_darray_uint64_t
Definition: test_cow_iterator_01.cpp:56
Implementation of a Copy-On-Write (CoW) using std::vector as the underlying storage,...
Definition: cow_vector.hpp:107
static bool test_01_validate_iterator_ops(const std::string &type_id)
Definition: test_cow_iterator_01.cpp:1112
static void fill_list(T &data, const std::size_t size)
Definition: test_cow_iterator_01.cpp:84