Direct-BT - Direct Bluetooth Programming.
Go to the documentation of this file.
29 package org.direct_bt;
31 import java.util.List;
boolean setDefaultAdapter(BTAdapter adapter)
Sets a default adapter to use for discovery.
Provides access to Bluetooth adapters.
int removeChangedAdapterSetListener(final ChangedAdapterSetListener l)
Remove the given ChangedAdapterSetListener from this manager.
List< BTDevice > getDevices()
Returns a list of discovered BluetoothDevices.
void adapterAdded(final BTAdapter adapter)
BTAdapter was added to the system.
HCIStatusCode stopDiscovery()
Turns off device discovery on the default adapter if it is enabled.
BTObject find(BTType type, String name, String identifier, BTObject parent, long timeoutMS)
Find a BluetoothObject of a type matching type.
Meta ScanType as derived from BTMode with defined value mask consisting of BDAddressType bits.
Settings getSettings()
Returns this implmentation's Settings.
List< BTAdapter > getAdapters()
Returns a list of BluetoothAdapters available in the system.
BT Core Spec v5.2: Vol 1, Part F Controller Error Codes: 1.3 List of Error Codes.
boolean isDirectBT()
Returns true if underlying implementation is Direct-BT.
BTAdapter getAdapter(final int dev_id)
Returns the BluetoothAdapter matching the given dev_id or null if not found.
void adapterRemoved(final BTAdapter adapter)
BTAdapter was removed from the system.
BTAdapter getDefaultAdapter()
Gets the default adapter to use for discovery.
Interface allowing to retrieve certain settings of the implementation.
ScanType getCurrentScanType()
Returns the current meta discovering ScanType of the getDefaultAdapter() via BTAdapter#getCurrentScan...
BTObject find(BTType type, String name, String identifier, BTObject parent)
Find a BluetoothObject of a type matching type.
void shutdown()
Release the native memory associated with this object and all related Bluetooth resources.
HCIStatusCode startDiscovery(final boolean keepAlive, final boolean le_scan_active)
Turns on device discovery on the default adapter if it is disabled.
List< BTGattService > getServices()
Returns a list of available BluetoothGattServices.
void addChangedAdapterSetListener(final ChangedAdapterSetListener l)
Add the given ChangedAdapterSetListener to this manager.
Event listener to receive change events regarding the system's BTAdapter set, e.g.